Aging and Obesity Lab
Anna Way passes qualifying exam
August 22, 2018
On your way to your doctoral degree!!
Well done.
Meghna Shankar is awarded a fellowship from The Histochemical Society
July 20, 2018
Meghna will work on a long-standing challenge to C. elegans researchers: how to use antibodies to detect proteins in intact animals?
Congratulations Meghna!!
Wenfan Ke passes his Qualification exam
May 8, 2018
Wenfan passes!!!
One BIG step closer to your PhD.
Good Job Wenfan!
Leila Rayyan and Wenfan Ke win Double Hoo award
April 22, 2018
Undergraduate researcher Leila Rayyan and graduate student Wenfan Ke were selected for a $5,000 research award that will mostly support Leila's training over this summer.
Mikayala Marracini and Anna Way win second year of Double Hoo support!!
April 22, 2018